Thank You Merasol Espinosa And Dolores Borres For Your Solid Support To President Rodrigo Duterte

It is not easy to be solid supporters of President Rodrigo Duterte when some rich and powerful people in the Philippines are trying to put Duterte down. It’s not everyday Filipinos say “thank you” to them who made it possible to garner more supporters for our beloved president during last May 2016 elections. 

Merasol Espinosa and Dolores Borres are just one of the 16 million Filipinos who want a real change in our country. They made Filipinos realise that there was a president named ‘Digong’ who would offer his life for the love of this country. 

In a blog post of Mr. Alon Calinao Dy, he said “Merasol and Dolores are one the amazing supporters of President Duterte who never get tired supporting the current administration, believing and hoping for the common good of Filipinos and for our country.”

It is not everyday we say “thank you” for these avid supporters of the president. Saying a simple thank can have a huge impact in the lives of these people. That’s how I considered my good friend, Ms. Kathleen Luntao, who never stop inspiring people of her beautiful poems from the heart.

It is every day we’ve heard from the news that we always thank Mocha Uson and her cohorts. Well, Thanks to them for they did a good job supporting the president. But the truth is, ALL Filipinos who supported and voted the president, do not forget to thank ourselves because we have selected the best leader and is now considered an outstanding president by many Filipinos in and outside the country.

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