An Arrogant Range Rover Driver Kicks A Taxi Driver’s Car

By Alon Calinao Dy: A viral photo of a man who drove a range rover car is now the topic of netizens on social media. 

According to Meri Joie Alquiza Balilas on Facebook, Mr. Dennis Noveno who worked at Quezon City hall, possibly under Mayor Herbert Bautista, accused the man of being an arrogant who kicked a taxi driver’s car that traumatized her child.

Ms. Balilas claimed that Mr. Noveno ran off after his violent act that caused her child to cry unceasingly.

Mr. Balilas added that this man did not obey the law as he had no fear with the MMDA authorities after calling his attention to stop the car. 

Instead of cooperating, this man raised his voice as if he had done nothing wrong with them.  The said incident happened near the Megamall. She posted it on December 18 on her Facebook timeline.

Ms. Balilas had one thing to ask to Mr. Roveno. One of these things is to fix himself right when dealing with other people. Also, she requested netizens to share her post to everyone so that this kind of situation won’t happen again.

These are the photos of Mr. Roveno that Ms. Balilas posted on social media:

Arrogant Range Rover Driver Kicks A Taxi Driver’s Car

One netizen commented on Facebook that this man must be rich and influential who had nothing to fear to the rule of law and other people. 

Though netizens only heard the side comments of Ms. Balilas of what really happened that day, this must be lesson to everyone to respect the rights of other people especially when you are under Duterte administration who truly values the rights of the poor and marginalized people.

In a blog post of Mr. Alon Calinao Dy, he said “let this be a reminder for everyone that the current administration promotes equality among Filipinos no matter how rich a person can be.”

For now, Ms. Balilas thanked all those concerned citizens who shared her post. 

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