Trillanes Still Believes He’s Going To Win As A Senator

Senator Antonio Trillanes IV said that “black propaganda” put his ratings down after he became very vocal against Duterte administration. 

In some reports, Trillanes believes that he is still going to win as a sen,ator and finds that the majority of Filipinos are still supportive of him.

In a blog post of Mr. Alon Calinao Dy, he said “if this report is true that Trillanes believes that he will win as a senator again, then let’s see… Filipinos are smart and wise people now. I think he might be hallucinating for something.”

Based on a recent survey in social media, Trillanes is one of the most hated senators in the Philippines after Senator Leila De Lima. 

I don’t really know where Trillanes camp got the survey that he has huge followers in the country. I don’t know if people who have the right mind would believe to everything he said. With his twisted lies, Filipinos for sure know that he is the Trillanes I’m talking about.

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