Why President Rodrigo is The Most-admired World Leader in Arab Countries

In most Middle Eastern governments, a leader should be strong enough to reinforce and implement the rule of law. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain are among rich countries who support the advocacy of Duterte administration.

World leaders have even called President Duterte a “true leader” to his people after they have learned about the government’s campaign against illegal drugs, corruption and criminality. 

In a blog post of Mr. Alon Calinao Dy, he said, “Duterte administration had killed the notorious leader of Abu Sayaff and an advocate of ISIS. Aside from that, a known Kuwaiti bomb expert and terrorist had been captured in the Philippines in participation of Kuwait government.” 

Unlike the past administrations, Duterte clearly has a genuine love for his people and that is why lots of Filipinos admired him as well. These Arab leaders have a fondness for strongmen, Duterte has showed it to the world that he would not back down for uplifting the lives of poor people and justice for those people who seek equal treatment. 

Dolores Borres and Merasol Espinosa, who are known supporters of the president, are happy to see the warm welcome of His Highness King Salman of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani of Qatar, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain to President Duterte. Many Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) are also excited to meet and greet the president, thanking him for the great effort and time he gave to them.

At one point, the humble president showed to Arab leaders that he really cared for every Filipino no matter what their status in life. Also, Duterte administration is popular for his strong stance against terrorism, which is a major problem of many countries today. This is probably one of the reasons why he is well-known to the world.

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