Veteran columnist and former Ambassador Rigoberto Tiglao madly fumes at European Parliament and the Liberal Party.

It has been revealed that recent visit of Vice President Leni Robredo with her Liberal Party allies to Germany indeed brought another challenge against the current administration of President Rodrigo Duterte.

In his article, Tiglao fumed over the European Parliament’s newest resolution declaring that ‘there were around 12, 000 people including women and children, have been reportedly killed in the Philippines during the ongoing campaign against illegal drugs.’

“I was also told that Vice President Leni Robredo and her Liberal Party colleagues during their trip last week to Germany sponsored by the German foundation also met with German members of the European Parliament to urge them to have the April 18 resolution passed.” Tiglao wrote.

“Women and children killed? I can’t find any news that a single woman or child was killed in Duterte’s anti-drug war. Kian de los Santos—whose death I myself believe was a clear case of police execution—was 17 years old.” He continued.

Tiglao also noted how different EU’s resolution to what US State Department has reported in its recent human rights report on the country.

The US State Department paper was very objective stating that  “from July 2016 through October 25, 2017, law enforcement agencies reported that 3,967 ‘drug personalities’ died in connection with anti-drug operations.”

“the reported number of alleged extrajudicial killings varied widely, as government and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) used different definitions.” The report added, quoting that the number of victims mentioned were based not on official sources, it actually pinpointed where the reports came from.

“The Commission on Human Rights (CHR), an independent government agency responsible for investigating alleged human rights violations, investigated 139 complaints of alleged extrajudicial or politically motivated killings involving 174 victims as of August 2017.” The report said.

“The rising death toll from the government’s anti-drug campaign compelled the CHR to separate politically motivated killings from drug-related cases in its reporting. From January to June, the CHR investigated 44 cases of drug-related extrajudicial killings involving 56 victims. The CHR suspected PNP or Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency involvement in 112 of these new complaints and AFP or paramilitary personnel in one case. The CHR attributed many of the remaining cases to insurgent/terrorist forces.” It added.

With this, Tiglao noticed the sharp difference between the EU’s resolution and that of US State Department’s report.

He also hits the mainstream media especially Rappler and other foreign journalists who have spread lies about the death toll in the country which was far different from the reality.

“The New York-based Human Rights Watch in its 2018 report released last January claimed: “The epidemic of police shootings—often portrayed as ‘shootouts’ but repeatedly shown to be summary executions—had left more than 12,000 people killed in the roughly year and a half since Duterte took office. The vast majority of victims were young men from the slums of major cities—people who elicited little sympathy among many Filipinos.” This organization mostly relies for its information and articles on our country on one Carlos Conde who started his career as a writer at the news website, allegedly run by Communist Party propaganda cadres.” Tiglao wrote, and noted that this foreign journo can’t even explain where they got the figures.

Tiglao also cited another revelation about this so-called EU Parliament, check out below;

Note on the European Parliament

Many newspapers refer to the 750-member European Parliament (EP) as the European Union (EU). This is very wrong.

The European Union consists of the 28 European nations that are its members. The EP attempts to mimic the member nations’ parliaments in the case of the Union but in reality doesn’t, a situation referred to by many analysts and scholars as the Union’s “democratic deficit.”

One reason for this is the low turnout of voters in the elections undertaken in each member state on who would represent it in the EP, which results in the awkward situation where many of the EP members do not represent the mainstream parties or parties in power, and in several cases, even the radical ones.

A second reason is that the EP doesn’t really legislate laws for the EU. It is the European Commission (EC) and the European Council. The EC runs the Union’s bureaucracy and consists of 28 members designated by each Union member state. The Council consists of the heads of states of the Union.

A huge problem of the EP is that representation has been based on each Union member’s population size. So, Germany has the biggest number of members with 99, followed by Italy and France with 72 each. This is reportedly one of the reasons why the United Kingdom opted to get out of the Union, as continental nations led by Germany control the EP.

This would explain how the Liberal Party solely with its contacts in the EP through the Friedrich Nauman Foundation easily got the EP to pass the anti-Duterte resolution. For many EP members routinely and uncritically approve resolutions that the Germans propose.

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[SOURCE]- manila times

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