Crime rate in Manila drops by 38{c694ba250d0a83b584f013ff0bed3e27b9602f69a246e5b35f892dff90915d09} for past 12 months

Crimes such as murder, homicide, physical injury, rape, robbery, theft and car theft are acts against persons and property are considered to be index crimes and such crimes together with street crimes such as snatching, holdups and armed robbery index have been reported to be dropping by 38.7 {c694ba250d0a83b584f013ff0bed3e27b9602f69a246e5b35f892dff90915d09} in the past 12 months says Manila Police District(MPD) Chief Supt. Joel Coronel.

The crime solution efficiency of the MPD of the same period increased from 54.8{c694ba250d0a83b584f013ff0bed3e27b9602f69a246e5b35f892dff90915d09} in the year 2016 to 67.5{c694ba250d0a83b584f013ff0bed3e27b9602f69a246e5b35f892dff90915d09} of the year 2017 where the crimes solved by the city police force with the arrest of suspects and the filing of cases that were solved respectively in a 7/10 ratio.

Coronel said that this was an improvement taking into consideration that the crime solution efficiency of the Police force numbered 4,600 men averages only at 38.05{c694ba250d0a83b584f013ff0bed3e27b9602f69a246e5b35f892dff90915d09} in the year 2014-2015 and a 24.55{c694ba250d0a83b584f013ff0bed3e27b9602f69a246e5b35f892dff90915d09} rate in 2013-2014. 

Gratified by the results the city mayor of Manila, Mayor Joseph Estrada said “I have always believed in our city police’s competence and dedication to protect our city from crimes and terror threats,” the Manila mayor said. “Slowly but surely, we are making significant and considerable gains and improvements in the peace and order situation of our beloved city.”
Source:  Manila Bulletin 

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