A Viral Photo of an Alleged Government Employee Who Punched A Tricycle Driver in Eastern Samar

A viral photo of an alleged government employee who punched a tricycle driver in Eastern Samar, received a public outrage when he hit the poor man in the face. 

According to the Facebook post, this man punched the tricycle driver twice while the police officer did not do something about it.

In a blog post of Mr. Alon Calinao Dy, he explained and said that “the original Facebook post said that the incident took place in Guiuan Eastern Samar, the aggressor angered the viewers since he had no right to hurt this tricycle driver in front of his passengers.”

Mr. Dy added, “I think KARMA works as this tricycle driver felt a public shame after the incident, but now it seems it turns out the same to his aggressor who received violent reactions all over Facebook groups and pages.”

Until now, different views and comments are flooded all around social media. As you can see here at Yes On The Death Penalty Facebook page, netizens have expressed their outrage because the police did not do anything to pacify the tension between the two parties.

In the meantime, the tricycle driver was praised by the people because he remained calm throughout the incident. But if it happens to someone else, I think it would turn out as a big fight.

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