Comment Your Reason Why President Rodrigo Duterte Has A Lot of Supporters

Have you ever wondered why President Rodrigo Duterte has a lot of supporters?

It is good to support a great leader who has good plans for this country. As Mr. Alon Calinao Dy said in a blog post, “being a known president is not easy as there are a lot of high expectations from you, but the President can easily manage it.”

When the president told his opponent Mar Roxas that he would clean the Philippines against illegal drugs, Roxas didn’t believe at the start but as people can see that a longing for a good change is not really hard to achieve.

Of course, it might seem impossible for other people but as a lot of Duterte followers said that if a leader has a “political will,” believe it or not, things would come true, and this is what many Filipinos are experiencing right now.

Why would Duterte supporters waste their time to support the president if they do not see positive changes in the country?

Filipinos now realize that they are part for the big change to fight against criminality, corruption and illegal drugs. They’ve realized that their efforts to support the Duterte administration played a winning battle for everyone.

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