Why There’s So Much Support For President Rodrigo Duterte?

Filipinos have a strong desire to end the country’s problems of illegal drugs, criminality and corruption and see meaningful changes to the issues to these days. Speaking about illegal drugs, many Filipinos used narcotics and the only way to prevent the proliferation of these illegal drugs is to implement the rule of law.

In a blog post of Mr. Alon Calinao Dy, he said, “Good thing, we have a strong and sincere President who really hates these deadly drugs. I think if Mar Roxas is the president right now, Philippines would be in a dangerous place for everyone to live in since drug lords are all over the country that Filipinos think they can’t rely on a corrupt justice system.” 

Filipinos are bright people that they wait for someone like President Duterte who would give them a sense of hope in the country that was governed by corrupt politicians, religious leaders, and businessmen.

When Filipinos found out that President Duterte decided to run for president last May 2016 elections, a sense of urgency to put this man in the malacañang had been a goal for the vast majority of Filipinos. Also,  Duterte who served for many years as mayor in Davao City had an outstanding record as a politician according to many reliable reports and people.

In other words, Duterte is the right leader that a majority of Filipinos had been waiting for. Good thing, he answered the call of the people and Filipinos never gave up on him as they would do anything to make it work. There’s a popular saying that “Vox populi, vox Dei or The voice of the people is the voice of God.”

In your personal opinion, what do  you President Duterte has so much supporters in and outside the country?

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