Sen. Drilon is now troubled of his cousin situation, after Ozamiz mayor killed

Senator Pro-Tempore Franklin Drilon said he is saddened and hurt over the implication of local executives in his hometown of Iloilo in the illegal drug trade.
“Let me state that I am saddened and hurt that the perception that Iloilo local officials are involved in the drug trade became the basis of such a sweeping description of Iloilo,” Drilon said in a released statement.

The senator’s statement came after a number of politicians from Iloilo were named by President Rodrigo Duterte for involvement in illegal drug activities. The province was also singled out by the president as an area with the most number of “shabu” describing it as “shabulized.”

“The most shabulized—is that a word? The most shabulized… is there such a word shabulized? Walk akong personal sa kanila ha, Iloilo,” Duterte said in his speech delivered at the Naval Forces Eastern Mindanao, where the president’s “narco-list” was also read early Sunday dawn.

Drilon urged the public to stop making hasty generalizations about Ilonggos.

“All the efforts of the Ilonggos for the past five years to make Iloilo an attractive and progressive investment destination and a livable city is negated by a sweeping judgment of the city and province of Iloilo. Whatever these officials may have allegedly done are their individual acts, and cannot be the collective guilt of the Ilonggos,” the senator said.

Drilon said he strongly supports Duterte’s anti-drug campaign but he stressed that due process and the rule of law must be dutifully upheld. He urged the president to observe the merits of the Constitution saying “there should be no shortcuts.”

“As a lawyer and former Justice secretary, I urged the president that if there is evidence that these officials were involved in the drug trade, he should immediately charge them administratively or in court,” Drilon said.

“We should allow due process and the rule of law to take its course. Charges must be filed if evidence warrants it, so that the accused will be given the opportunity to defend themselves and clear their names. Let the chips fall where they may,” he added.

On Sunday, Duterte linked 159 drug officials in the narcotics trade. These include magistrates, local executives and police officers.

There were seven Iloilo politicians named during the president’s speech. They are: Calinog Mayor Alex Centena, Iloilo City Mayor Jed Mabilog, Carles Mayor Siegfredo Betita, Maasin Mayor Mariano Malones, former Iloilo City Councilors Erwin “Tongtong” Plagata and Antonio Pesina and Maasin Vice Mayor Francis Ansing Amboy.

Two of the Iloilo mayors, Mabilog and Malones on Sunday denied the claims of the president.

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