Welfare of Filipinos is More Important Than Kris Aquino Signing A Hollywood Movie Contract

I don’t think Kris Aquino is still “the queen of all media,” but the true queen of media for the poor belongs now to Mocha Uson. It is just the creation of biased and paid media.
I don’t care if Kris Aquino has signed a contract going to Hollywood.  Let us be happy for her and let her live to that, but I don’t think signing a Hollywood movie contract is a big deal for everyone of us. It is just the creation of biased and paid media. 

Kris wrote on her Instagram account: “For a year, I experienced rejections. A part of my spirit broke. There were two shows I lost because hiring an Aquino for TV was a political risk not worth taking… But something happened March 23, 2017- a Tony & Grammy award winning Broadway producer, Jhett Tolentino contacted me through Cong. Len Alonte and Manang Nene Chan. He was helping a Filipino-Chinese-American agent friend of his reach me to ask if I’d want to audition for a big Hollywood studio movie about to start filming.”

Kris, I am happy for you but I don’t care. I’m sorry. It is again the creation of biased and paid media to tell Filipino people that Kris became a victim of humiliation and that we should give her another chance. 
In a blog post of Mr. Alon Calinao Dy, he said, “Kris Aquino has never been a poor person. In fact, she was the luckiest person who got almost everything, but I don’t think that she realizes it. I also don’t understand why some biased media always portray her as a victim, as if she carries the burden of the world.”
Mr. Dy added, “take a look at the poorest of the poor in the Philippines. Did they complain each day because they don’t eat three times a day?” What the heck! Perhaps, Kris Aquino might be a victim of her friends from media who wanted her to be fame again. Mr. Dy pointed out, “but you are already a famous person and a fame seeker! What else do you want? To be the most famous celebrity in the world?”
In life, it’s natural that we experienced rejections. People cannot always get what they want. No one wants a spoiled person. I think President Rodrigo Duterte is a disciplinarian and has a iron hand when it comes to that. Because he is now our beloved president who represents the country and not your mom and brother, consider him as a parent who has the authority to discipline his children.

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