Global Economic Expert Ibinunyag ang totoong Storya sa likod ng Pagmamakaawa ng ICC’The beginning of the END!’

Dr. Dan Steinbock, a global economic and policy analyst, an internationally recognized expert of the multipolar world and the founder of Difference Group, wrote his proficient opinion regarding the Philippines recent withdrawal from the International Criminal Court (ICC).

In a column on one of the top news media outfits and newspaper in the Philippines, Steinbock logically gave his detailed explanation on why the ICC blames the Duterte Government over its withdrawal from them.

According to Steinbock, the withdrawal of the Philippines is as yet another case of the disintegration of the ICC’s believability, its disappointment at legal autonomy and gross inclination against the developing world and could be “the start of the end” for the institution, as more nations may go with the same pattern and non-individuals would be disheartened from joining.

Also on said the writing, the global economic expert wonders who might be financing the two well-known critics of President Duterte, the controversial Senator Antonio Trillanes, known for his coup attempts and has invested much energy in Washington and Europe to pick up help while his mysterious sidekick, lawyer Jude Sabio, who has picked up reputation as a hitman lawyer. 

Dr. Dan Steinbock then questions how and why leading Western media companies have purchased the stories of these two people with barely any source of investigation to the allegations that the Philippine President had carried out violations against mankind.

The writer additionally said that those allegations have regularly depended on defective information and misinformed reports and that Philippine surveys demonstrate that in excess of 70 percent of Filipinos remain behind Duterte and are more happy with his administration than any past one.

Moreso, Steinbock pronounced that the statement of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, saying that Duterte needed a psychiatric evaluation, activated legitimate worries in Manila about ICC’s impartiality.

To sum it up, Dr. Dan Steinbock explains that the withdrawal of the Southeast Asian countries, like the Philippines will affect the credibility of the ICC which is now under fast disintegration.

Below is Dr. Dan Steinbock’s full article:

“As the Philippines is withdrawing from the International Criminal Court, the ICC is blaming the Duterte government. In reality, the withdrawal is still another example of the erosion of the ICC’s credibility, its failure at judicial independence and gross bias against the emerging world.

LAST February, the ICC said it was investigating allegations that the Philippines’ president had committed “crimes against humanity.” These charges have been pushed, especially by two Duterte critics. Known for his coup attempts, controversial Sen. Antonio Trillanes has spent much time in Washington and Europe to gain support, while his obscure sidekick, lawyer Jude Sabio, has gained notoriety as a hitman lawyer. What’s not known is who funds the two and why leading Western media companies have bought their stories with hardly any source scrutiny.

Since Duterte’s democratic 2016 election victory, critics have accused the government of facilitating extrajudicial killings and other rights abuses to stamp out illegal drugs. These accusations have often relied on flawed data and misguided reports. Moreover, Philippine polls indicate that more than 70 percent of Filipinos stand behind Duterte and are more satisfied with his government than any previous one.

Yet in March, the controversial UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, joined the ICC debacle saying that Duterte needed a psychiatric evaluation. During Zeid’s tenure, the UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) has repeatedly been accused of efforts at domestic policy intervention, which impinges on state sovereignty. As Zeid played a central role in the founding of the ICC from the mid-1990s to 2010, his statement triggered valid concerns in Manila about the institution’s neutrality.

The withdrawal of the Southeast Asia’s most rapidly growing economy from the ICC would not be either the first or the last of its kind. The credibility of the ICC is under rapid erosion. The case of the Philippines is just the latest nail in the coffin.”

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[SOURCE]- manila times

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